CHARP EDucation Consulting, LLC
There are three key ways to partner on Teach to Lead Summits.
Lead Partner: Partner with CHARPED to spread the word about the Powered by Teach to Lead Summits, sending Summit information to your mailing lists and supporting outstanding teachers in project design and application to the Summits. Send staff or other experts to serve as Critical Friends at Summits and invite stakeholders to the pre-Summit panel. Invest $1,000 or more towards Summit expenses. Partner recognition includes your organization’s logo prominently listed on Summit invitations and materials, public appreciation during the event, and (where consistent with Summit goals), opportunities to speak or provide Summit content.
Team Sponsor: Partner with CHARPED to spread the word about the Powered by Teach to Lead Summits, sending Summit information to your mailing lists or publicizing on social media. Send staff or other experts to serve as Critical Friends at Summits, and invite stakeholders to the pre-Summit panel. Invest $5,000 to sponsor a team of teachers on a particular topic or from a specific geography. Partner recognition includes your organization’s logo listed on Summit materials and public appreciation during the event. Here are some other possible sponsorship opportunities:
• Promotional t-shirts, totes, and pens
• Virtual Conference hosting platform
• Keynote speaker fees
• Marketing, advertising, and promotional costs
• Internet and other secure technology tools
• Event ticketing software
• Books
Teacher Leadership Partner: Partner with CHARPED to spread the word about the Powered by Teach to Lead Summits, sending Summit information to your mailing lists and supporting outstanding teachers in project design and application to the Summits. Send staff or other experts to serve as Critical Friends at Summits, and invite stakeholders to the pre-Summit panel. Partner recognition includes your organization’s name on Summit materials and public appreciation during the event.
If you are interested in becoming a partner for this summit, please complete this form (